Monday, June 22, 2009

The yellow brick road

Today is just like yesterday... nothing changes...everything still feels the same as before.

This morning, the weather is really cold... it rain in the morning... making me feel a little chilly...

Thought alot about alot of things lately....
What kind of roads have I been travelling down???... I've been walking down a very long road... looking back sometimes, it feels so far... has anyone ever felt tired of walking in life? I wonder...

Long long ago, I may have just give up walking... cos I refuse to move on... I refuse to walk....

I wanted to stop and never walk again. I really surrender then... because I don't see a point to it... everytime you walk, you'll fall... each time you take so much strength to pick yourself up, but end up falling down again. It hurts... it feels so know you will fall again...

I felt weak.... I cry alot too... when I was younger. :) That is how I am. But as everyone knows... anyone of us will also go through this cycle... it's like a life lesson that everyone learns... Maybe not everyone go through the exact same process... but concept wise: each time you fall... you will learn to pick yourself up and then continue to walk again...

I learnt it the hard way... cos I sometimes allow myself to fall really bad... very silly of me. Maybe that is why...haha...I really want to give up... at least once you give don't have to care anymore... is okay.... just sit down and see other people walking away... people walking further and further away....

A brother of mine once say to me... if you fall... don't give up. His philosophy was never to give up. No matter what circumstances matter how hard you fall, you always pick yourself up again. I don't believe him at first... until I observe and notice that he really stand by his words.

No matter how bad life treats him... he never give up, he would really pull himself out of the mess and slowly move on. Something which I thought is impossible to do.... because it takes so much energy for a person to move on again after they have fallen.

Yet, this is reality...nothing is impossible. So many others have done it.... I believe there is always time for everything...and reason for everything to happen.... sometimes you don't have to justify why anymore... just accept it....acknowledge and move on...

Walking is something I do now in my daily has become pretty much routine... just that the road I take is sometimes less traveled... and sometimes... it's not always smooth... but it's okay. I've learn to pick myself up now...

Wondering why I'm talking about traveling down roads? hmm... it's just something I've been reflecting on alot lately...

I think it's not easy to walk with me... cause I always go on those scenic roads... it takes longer to reach my destination... sometimes the roads isn't always nicely paved... but I enjoy my walk... Some places I've walk to,.... seems to take me in circles (like a round-a-bout or worse...imagine the Bermuda triangle)...

so you see... roads I choose to go... isn't always the most popular roads to traveled... It's a road less traveled...

But it's okay... I'm okay with it because I choose it. Plus, now it's different from last time.... I learn to pick myself up when I fall... even if it hurts... is okay... I can still walk. Nothing is easy... but nothing is difficult as well... the road ahead seem like a long way to go... for now...

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