Tuesday, June 30, 2009

My Favorite Words of Wisdom

~My Favorite Words of Wisdom~

~The first rule to be respected is to respect other people first.~

~Life isn't about how to survive the storm, but how to dance in the rain.~

~There are 2 things in life that you will never get. Nothing & Everything. So quit complaining and don't just wait. Start to take some action now... an action causes a reaction...~

~The happiest people don't necessarily have the best of everything; they just make the best of everything they have.~

~Dreams will come true for you as long as you persevere. While it would be nice if fate did all the work, the reality is that any worthy goals take time and effort before the rewards reveal themselves.~

~Remember that you will always be who you are... no one can change you... except yourself... people around you will always be there to help you... but it's up to yourself to make the 1st step.~

~Life is very brief... how many 10 years can one person have? How much sorrow must one endure? How much happiness can one achieve? If you live a fulfilled life... nothing is unattainable... nothing is impossible... nothing is left to regrets... ~

~Love isn't about finding the perfect person or becoming the perfect person for someone else... but to be the person who can help the other to be the best person they can ever be... if you love someone enough, you will want the best for them...if the person love you enough... they will also want the same for you.~

~Love is never failing... it's always there... even if it's hidden in your heart. It's a gift from God... and it's what makes you human.~

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